Total Body Analysis (TBA) Homeopathy
TBA is a system developed by Dr. Reuben T. DeHaan, Health Care Ministries International. His quest for total health for everyone produced an all inclusive set of homeopathic kits which I use during sessions. These kits help determine the cause of your imbalance through the use of advanced kinesiology and intuition. I have taken TBA Homeopathy to galactic levels with the Starseed genetics that I embody. This helps me work at the DNA template level.
True healing occurs layer by layer in our bodies and in our related energy body architecture (12-tree grids, shields, krystal body, aruic bodies--etheric, mental, emotional, etc, axiatonal lines, meridian lines, chakras, etc).
Everything in the cosmos was originally created in divine right order using Sacred Geometry and mathematical codes, layer by layer. This is the reason our bodies need to heal layer by layer in the correct order. Each session and remedy is infused with the Ancient Alchemy of .Krystic Eternal Life Force Energy to support your body and its corresponding energy body architecture layer by layer in Divine Right Order.
I recommend a 3-consecutive session start when you begin TBA Homeopathy (1 session each month for 3 months straight), followed by a maintenance session every 3 to 6 months to keep your physical body and energy body architecture supported continually. This will help the physical body heal itself as needed and advance the evolution of your energy body architecture.
TBA Homeopathy and KARE sessions are each in and of themselves very thorough and wonderful used alone but I see the results of combining the two healing modalities as the most effective healing I have ever seen. Both systems also cover emotions as well which is very important because all physical ailments and energy body architecture disturbances are affected by our emotions. A KARE session followed up with a TBA Homeopathy session offers immediate healing as well as an additional 4 weeks of daily support.
TBA Homeopathy for People: $88 TBA Homeopathy for Animals: $60
Combo TBA plus KARE Sessions for People: $144 Combo TBA and KARE Sessions for Animals: $124
I am required to tell you that any comment made about your health, medication or supplements should be confirmed with your medical doctor. I am not a medical doctor. Only a medical doctor has the power and authority to make the final decisions about your body and your health. Unless, of course, you take the final decision into your own hands, which is your constitutional right? .