Space Anxiety Depression Fear - Known Origin Fear - Unknown Origin Guilt and Shame Hopelessness Jealousy or Hatred Lack of Self Confidence Mental Anguish and Inner Arguements with Self |
Emotional Support Homeopathy We all suffer various types of emotional stress from time to time as we go through life. The cause of emotional stress and suffering may be caused by situations or circumstances in our environment or within ourselves. Emotional health support through Homeopathy can help us resolve emotional imbalances even if the cause of the emotional imbalance is at the deep cellular memory level and not apparent at the conscious mind level. Emotional Support Homeopathy consists of a mini-session and a remedy that is sent to you either by email or snail mail. The list on the left shows examples of emotions you may want to choose from or your can request a general emotional session where I am intuitively guided to the emotions most in in need of help and support. Or, you can contact me to request an emotion not listed on this page. Each Emotional Support Homeopathy Remedy is customized specifically for your emotional and energy architecture needs and it is infused with the Ancient Alchemy of Krystic Eternal Life Force Energy to support your emotional well being as well as the corresponding energy body architecture. People and Animals $24
Disclaimer I am required to tell you that any comment made about your health, medication or supplements should be confirmed with your medical doctor. I am not a medical doctor. Only a medical doctor has the power and authority to make the final decisions about your body and your health. Unless, of course, you take the final decision into your own hands, which is your constitutional right? . |