Ancient Alchemy Flower Essences
The Ancient Alchemy Flower Essences offered here were made by me in union as one with the flower, the sun, the earth, and the air. All disharmonic energies are cleared from the essences, then the essence is charged with living water codes and colors. While distilling, the flower essences are blessed by Krystic elementals from this and other universes. They are infused with Krystic Eternal Life Force energy to raise your spiritual consciousness as well as support you physically and emotionally.
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Solidago/Goldenrod Flower Essence
The gift of Solidago(Goldenrod) is Balanced Male and Female Energies. When the male and female energies are balanced within, fear of being judged by others falls away. The need for approval or acknowledgment from others diminishes as personal discernment begins to come to you naturally and easily. Solidago brings forth a stronger connection with your Avatar Self/Higher Self as you realize stronger inner knowingness. At the physical level, Solidago helps speed the healing of wounds and helps with blood circulation. At the emotional level, Solidago helps heal past life trauma, bloodline/family clearing and emotional pain at the deep cellular memory level. People and Animals: $16
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Vernonia Flower Essence
The gift of Vernonia is Sanctuary of Self and Freedom. Hot emotions are cooled and setting personal space boundaries becomes easier. Vernonia helps one who is working to clear ancestor bloodlines, clears the throat chakra and helps with all forms of gridwork, especially the releasing of beings trapped in the underworlds. Physically, Vernonia aids the digestive system, throat and mouth. People and Animals: $16
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Indian Paintbrush Flower Essence
The gift of Indian Paintbrush is Manifesting Your Creative Potential. Indian Paintbrush helps ground the creative energies of your higher beingness, stimulating creative expression to manifest into the physical world. Indian Paintbrush promotes vitality and stamina as creative exhaustion gives way to creative expression into the physical. People and Animals: $16
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Lady Slipper Flower Essence
The gift of Lady Slippers is Healing Trauma and Inner Peace. Our lower chakras are often shut down or semi-functioning due to past trauma so great that the being withdrew from the lower chakras and into the higher chakras for safety. In order to be a productive functioning being we need to heal the lower chakra emotions and stay grounded so we do not go into higher chakra looping that gets us nowhere. Lady Slipper helps relieve past trauma a the deep cellular memory level, promotes a calm nervous system and helps prevent insomnia. People and Animals: $16
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Dandelion Flower Essence
The gift of Dandelion is Peace in the Midst of Adversity. Dandelion brings better flow between inner emotions and the outer body functions as it clears energetic and inherited/ancestry patterns of hormone imbalances, menopause problems, addiction, chemical sensitivity and anger that can cause the muscles to tighten when negative emotions are experienced. Dandelion also helps clear toxic build up in the liver caused by suppressed or unhealed emotions. People and Animals: $16
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Crape Myrtle Flower Essence
The gift of Crape Myrtle is the Power of Unity Through Oneness with Self and All that Is. Crape Myrtle will help you embody strength and grace as it balances energies within to bring forth courage and helps you become 'the neutral observer' regardless of what is happening in the external world. At the physical level, Crape Myrtle helps support your adrenal glands, spine and nervous system. At the emotional level, Crape Myrtle helps heal fears of know and unknown origin at the deep cellular memory level. People and Animals: $16
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Blue Lotus Flower Essence
The gift of Blue Lotus is Kryst(Christ) Consciousness Within. Blue Lotus helps us connect to 12th Dimension energies and embody higher frequency and Divine aspects of ourself. It also promotes multi-dimensional hearing, vision, feeling and sensing to help us embody a deeper inner knowingness of who we really are why we are here on the planet at this time. People and Animals: $16
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I am required to tell you that any comment made about your health, medication or supplements should be confirmed with your medical doctor. I am not a medical doctor. Only a medical doctor has the power and authority to make the final decisions about your body and your health. Unless, of course, you take the final decision into your own hands, which is your constitutional right? .