Articles of Interest
What is Total Body Analysis (TBA) Homeopathy
TBA is a system developed by Dr. Reuben T. DeHaan, Health Care Minstries International. His quest for total health for everyone produced an all inclusive set of homeopathic kits that anyone can use with proper training. These kits help us determine the cause of your illness through the use of kinesiology, we can then provide you with homeopathic remedies that will help your body rid itself of why and then heal itself.
Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. Its growth in popularity in the United States has been around 25 to 50 percent per year throughout the last decade.
Modern medicine has become so prevalent that people have a hard time deciphering truth from scientific agenda. We have been taught to ignore the laws of nature in reference to care of the physical body yet we readily accept medications/drugs.
TBA Homeopathy addresses the root cause of illness, not the symptoms. This often means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.
Homeopathy success is fueled by several factors:
Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent.
Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.
Homeopathy can even treat our pets: dogs, cat, horses, everyone.
Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. (For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body's attempt to clear the lungs).
Homeopathic remedies are not addictive.
Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical terms means that it addresses the root cause of illness, not the symptoms.
This information is borrowed from Book 02,
Mastering Health, by Dr. Reuben T. DeHaan.
History of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is actually considered a pharmaceutical science. The science of homeopathy was founded in the early 1800’s by a German physician and chemist by the name of Dr.
Samuel Hahnemann. There were no pharmacies or chemical laboratories at that point in history, so physicians learned how to derive their medicines from nature. While doing research into the toxicological effects of the medicines of his time, Dr. Hahnemann discovered that specific dilutions of a substance would remove the symptoms that would have been induced by use of the actual substance. And so homeopathy is based on the theory of “Likes are Cured by Likes.” Physicians who practiced homeopathy had a success rate that was much higher than modern medicine as we know it today.
Interestingly enough, homeopathic medicine used to be the primary form of treatment in the United States. The most prestigious medical schools from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s were homeopathic. The first medical association was the American Institute of Homeopathy, not the AMA. Once the AMA was created, it was funded primarily from paid advertisements from pharmaceutical companies. Simply put, allopathic medicine created better income incentives offering free samples and endorsement fees to the most prominent doctors.
Even though the medical system in the US does not promote or even condone homeopathic medicine today, other industrialized nations readily use and accept it as a primary source of treatment. It is widely known that the right homeopathic can relieve a symptom faster than a medication without the side effects and physical hazard that medications produce. Perhaps that is why the British Royal Family employs a full time homeopathic physician.
What is a Homeopathic?
When you dilute a substance by a certain ratio and then succuss (briskly bang) the results, the molecules are transferred and you have a homeopathic. Homeopathics are generally made from herbs and minerals. There are two classifications of homeopathics, classical and complex. We will be creating and using complex homeopathics with the Remedy Maker. Complex homeopathics are remedies generated by electronic methods, while classical remedies are made by manual dilution (yes it takes a long time). Technology has improved to such a degree that master samples such as those found in the Symptom Kit have been made and can be transferred into remedies electronically. People who practice classical homeopathy have little respect for complex homeopathy in most cases, but people who practice drugs and medication have little respect for either. Respect should not be the goal -results and help for humanity are much more important.
How Fast will a Homeopathic Remedy Work?
Each case is individual, but if you pick the right remedy for the right condition, positive results can be expected within minutes and often seconds of taking the remedy. When a homeopathic remedy is placed in the mouth, the information is picked up by the sublingual nerve pathways around the tongue. The information is then transmitted at the average nerve speed of 200 M.P.H. throughout the body so the remedy reaches all 100 trillion cells of the body within a matter of seconds. This is a very nice advantage to homeopathic medicine vs. drugs and medication, which often take days or weeks to reach a level that produces relief.
Are antibiotics, medications or vaccinations more effective than a homeopathic?
We are born and trained in a society whose mindset is placed in trust for what the medical society has established as the health standard. If someone offers you advice, you only follow it if you have seen evidence in track record. This has earned your trust. If you don’t have pre-established trust, you ask questions. It is sad to say that the third leading cause of death is actually treatments or therapies utilized in the medical community. The first two causes of death are diseases which some say are highly promoted or caused by certain practices promoted by the same medical community. If even half of this is true, why do we have such faith and trust in what the medical establishment has set as “health care”?
Now to answer the question, we all know that modern treatment of any kind is based on suppression of the symptom rather than cure. Modern medicine does not believe the body can regenerate. Homeopathic medicine works exactly the opposite by inducing the body’s own ability to heal. All natural medicine does, for that matter. Even without medical training, it seems no more than logical that natural remedies should far supersede the effectiveness of any drug, antibiotic or surgery. In terms of results, all natural medicine is not created equal. Because natural medicine tends to address the cause of the problem and the cause is different and unique for each person, you can’t cookie cut natural therapies and programs as you might a drug therapy whose only task is to suppress the symptom at hand no matter what the side effect or health hazard. Taking all of this into consideration, if you get homeopathic remedy, results will be produced faster than any drug or antibiotic because natural remedies induce the healing potential of the body. In the worst case scenario, a homeopathic will not be effective and you can still fall back to the medication or surgery you were previously considering. Thus it is a win-win situation.
There are two classifications of homeopathics, classical and complex. We will be creating and using complex homeopathics with the Remedy Maker, but we need to understand classical homeopathy first. Practically speaking, let’s say that you wanted to make a homeopathic of arsenic. If you ingest arsenic in the smallest portion, it is fatal. You don’t have to take large dosages in this particular case. A homeopathic of arsenic can act to antidote the very properties that would be fatal if used directly. To make a homeopathic of arsenic, or any substance, you will first need a sample of the item you want to antidote. In this case, we will be using a sample of arsenic. Along with the sample of arsenic, you will need some pure water in a glass bottle with a top that can be shaken vigorously. I would use just an ounce or so of water in your bottle. Now let’s take a very small sample of the arsenic and place it in the water. When this is completed, you will take the sample and bang it against the palm of your hand at a rapid pace about 50 times. This is called succussion or trituration.
The movement in succession forces the molecules of arsenic to spread into the molecules of water. Shaking will not achieve the same process; you must succuss the remedy. The amount of the original substance in a homeopathic remedy is reduced by the decimal scale and is indicated by a number and the letter X, C or M. The initial dilution we made in the example would be 1X. If you take a drop from that bottle with the sample of arsenic that has been succussed and place it in a new bottle of water, you will have 2X after succession. Continue to repeat this process, taking one drop out of the last sample made and placing it into pure water or a mother solution and the numbers will continue to increase. A 3X potency means there is one part of the remedy with nine parts of water. A C would mean there is one part of the original substance with 99 parts of water. An M means there is one part of the original substance with 999 parts of water.
Homeopathy follows rules set in quantum physics, not chemistry. Logically, you would assume that the higher the dilution of any substance, the less potent it will become. This is true if you do nothing but straight mixing. When you succuss an agent, the memory of all the properties in that agent, or item, become ingrained in the molecules of water. It is interesting that by 6X – 8X, chemical analysis would find no traces of arsenic. The remedy is purely energetic. The higher up the decimal scale we go in homeopathy, the stronger the remedies get. In other words, the more diluted the more effective they become.
You can see that lack of understanding in the field of energetics would make people very skeptical of homeopathy. High potencies (C range and M range) remedies can create critical symptoms if one does not know how to use them properly, so we are not talking about toy remedies here. On the flip side, homeopathic remedies are perfectly safe. While a drug or medication might create horrible side effects, the wrong homeopathic in a high dose would only initiate symptoms for a short time. They would not be chemical reactions but immune responses known as healing crisis. This is not harmful to the body, so the worst case scenario with homeopathic remedies is no help at all. You cannot harm the body.
Complex homeopathics are remedies generated with electronic methods. We discussed that succussion imprints the properties of the item into the molecules of water. Technology has improved to such a degree that samples of any item you can think of have been made and can be transferred into remedies electronically. People who practice classical homeopathy have little respect for complex homeopathy in most cases, but people who practice drugs and medication have little respect for either. Respect should not be the goal-results are much more important. I have shifted to complex homeopathically almost completely because it is practical and allows me to help people on a much deeper level. The TBA Kits mentioned in the first part of this chapter indicate the ability to test imbalance of any nutrient, any body part or the presence of any toxin. The remedy maker gives us the ability to make custom remedies for each individual; not only for the symptom but for the cause of the problem. Classical homeopathy does not allow that. I am not against classical homeopathy; its remedies are wonderful for support of symptoms that need to be alleviated naturally. But TBA is very, very focused on correcting the cause of the problem, not just the symptom.
The Scientific Proof of Homeopathics
Scientific proof in medicine simply means something has been proven by evidence of truth (results) of a hypothesis. Every time the patient recovers, the experiment is successful and the principles of homeopathy have been tested with utmost success for 180 years, which is almost 10 years longer than most medical practices.
The notion that water retains a memory of substances once dissolved in it is central to homeopathy. While the claim has brought about much controversy, evidence has come out to support the claim scientifically. Although the structure of hydrogen bonds in pure water should be identical to those in homeopathic dilutions, the evidence finds that the structures are actually very different.
Dr. Jacques Benveniste's research (published in Nature Magazine) stated that as you make homeopathic dilutions, you have exceeded Avogadro's number (1 mole = 6.02 x 10-to the 23rd power molecules) by the time you reach 12c or 24x, so there is no molecular substance left in the remedy. It's all energy by that dilution. He found that as he increased the dilution, he increased the basophilic degranulation. Dr. Benveniste used a mathematical equation to explain the phenomenon. He proposed that water (vehicle) can form permanant magnetic dipoles. The hydrogen and oxygen bonding to form dipoles when two or more water molecules are bound together causes a change in the water structure and stores information as solitary waves in the H-O bonding. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers show that the vehicle (water) has physically changed. This water that is altered in high potency remedies show differences in the spectra at the different dilutions.
Researchers used thermoluminescence to study the structure of solids. The process involves bathing a chilled sample with radiation and then observing a pattern of light, which reflects the sample’s atomic structure that is released when the sample is warmed up.
When researchers used the method on ice, they saw two peaks of light. They then looked at solutions of lithium chloride, which destroys hydrogen bonds, and sodium chloride, which also destroys hydrogen bonds but to a lesser extent. The peak for the sodium chloride solution was smaller and disappeared for the lithium chloride solution.
Homeopaths believe that patterns of hydrogen bonds remain even after many dilutions. To test this claim, researchers used samples that had been diluted way beyond the point when any ions of the original substance could remain. Compared with pure water, the ultra-dilute lithium and sodium chloride solutions had substantially different thermoluminescence peaks. According to researchers, this proves that the networks of hydrogen bonds in the samples were different