KARE - Krystic Architecture Restoration and Embodiment


KARE - Krystic Architecture Restoration and Embodiment is the name I have given to my energy healing session toolbox.  It is a highly advanced form of etheric surgery for the physical body, emotions, and our massive energy body architecture.  KARE healing spans across all incarnations, timelines time zones, times space, realities, dimensions and densities to identify, locate, remove, adjust, correct, transit, neutralize and repair distortions and disharmonics in our energy body architecture and physical bodies beginning at the 12th dimensional blueprint and DNA template level.  As the healing progresses layer by layer with KARE, our consciousness evolves and expands organically and reconnects us to our own inner energetic core and purpose in life. 

My KARE toolbox is a collection of healing modalities and protocols that have proved successful through my many years of research and study as well as my memory of techniques I have used during past, present and future lifetimes.  KARE is the result of my study and hands-on experience with the wisdom and teachings brought to the planet by E'Asha Ashayana ( http://www.arhayas.com/ ), Lisa Renee ( http://energeticsynthesis.com/ ) and my own experience with the Founder Races and Guardian Alliance. KARE is an ever evolving and expanding consciousness evolution healing modality. 

KARE is an all-encompassing healing energy healing system that goes deep into cellular memory and all of our energy body architecture to heal, beginning at the 12 Tree Eternal Life Grid level. Each of the millions of cells within our bodies have intelligence and memory of all past and future lifetimes.  Because the mechanics and organic design of our energy body architecture has not been known to us for thousands of years, we have collected distortions and disharmonic energies in this architecture that are affecting our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.  Some people are aware of having an aura and chakras but these are a very small part of the total energy body architecture that is part of our total make-up as human beings.  This is true for animals as well as people.

All physical issues are represented in the energy body architecture. For this reason, it is important to heal not only the physical but also the energy body architecture for true and permanent healing to occur. It is equally important that we heal in the proper sequence, layer by layer and beginning at the blueprint and DNA template level. All physical issues show up in our energy body architecture before they show up in our physical bodies. If we attempt to heal the physical body only and do nothing to heal the issue in the energy body architecture, the issue will often either return to the physical body or show up as a different physical body issue.
TBA Homeopathy and KARE sessions are each, in and of themselves, very thorough and wonderful used alone but I see the result of combining the two healing modalities as the most effective healing I have ever seen.  A KARE session followed up with a TBA homeopathy session offers immediate healing as well as an additional 4 weeks of daily support. 
KARE sessions are done by phone and are recorded so you can listen to your session as often as you like.  
KARE Sessions for People   $100            KARE Sessions for Animals:   $88
Combo KARE plus TBA Sessions for People:  $144            Combo KARE and TBA Sessions for Animals:  $124

Got to the Price List and Paypal Link tab on the left of this page to pay for your session or

Call or email to book your session:


 I am required to tell you that any comment made about your health, medication or supplements should be confirmed with your medical doctor. I am not a medical doctor.  Only a medical doctor has the power and authority to make the final decisions about your body and your health. Unless, of course, you take the final decision into your own hands, which is your constitutional right?



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