Ancient Alchemy Services


The services Jamie offers at Third Earth Healing take Etheric Surgery (KARE), Homeopathy and Flower Essences to the galactic levels as she serves Starseeds, Indigos, Animals and families around the globe.

No in-person appointments are needed for any of the services offered on this site. KARE sessions are done by phone and recorded so you can listen to your session as often as you wish.  Jamie works from a photo of the client (sent via email or snail mail) when doing TBA Homeopathy sessions.  TBA Homeopathy remedies and other follow-up materials are sent to you via first class mail and email.

About Jamie

Jamie is an Ascension Steward and co-creator with God Source First Eternal.   Her role is to embrace a supportive, safe, encouraging and empowering sacred space for learning and for the healing of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies across all lifetimes, timelines and realities—past, present  and future.

Jamie has had extensive earth based and galactic based training, study and experience in Ascension Mechanics, Etheric Healing Technology, Ancient Alchemy from the Future and Energy Body Architecture clearing and repair. 

Our universe was created layer by layer in Divine Right Order (DRO), Divine Right Timing (DRT) and in Divine Right Balance (DRB). We will only manifest permanent and complete healing when we heal both our physical and energy bodies in the same sequence (DRO, DRT, DRB).

Jamie is calibrated to the 12th Dimensional Frequency Bandwidth and the Guardian Alliance Intelligence Fields that expand beyond this 15 dimensional time matrix to help you heal naturally and evolve into your true multidimensional self.

As a spiritually adopted member of the Nemenhah Native American Band, my approach agrees with Nemenhah in that all healing is Spiritual and there is no difference between healing of the Spirit and healing of the Body.

Jamie Franks

Nemenhah Band Medicine Woman/Spiritual Leader

Certified TBA Homeopathy Practitioner

KARE - Krystic Architecture Restoration and Embodiment Session Facilitator

Certified Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques Facilitator

Certified Reiki Master-Teacher

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA



 I am required to tell you that any comment made about your health, medication or supplements should be confirmed with your medical doctor. I am not a medical doctor.  Only a medical doctor has the power and authority to make the final decisions about your body and your health. Unless, of course, you take the final decision into your own hands, which is your constitutional right?



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